Tonight I took London for her Middle School registration night. WOW! Is she really old enough for this? She was so excited she wants to start tomorrow, she's decided to take Beginning Theater and Choir for her electives. I know that both of those classes will be very fulfilling for her, giving her a chance to come out of her shell a little bit. :) We all love you London and know you'll be great at what ever you decide to do in life. No one deserves success more than you do.

I've gotten many letters from Daniel, but he has yet to get any of mine. Between me and his mom I'm sure he'll have more letters than he can open on the first day. He's doing well from what I can tell in his letters. Getting used to very little sleep, and eating in a hurry, which can't be to hard for him, he's the fastest eater I know. He gets a family weekend in April, so I purchased my ticket to fly out to Fort Benning today. OH man I can't wait to see him!!!


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