
Christmas is a time for Family and Friends and this year I've finally felt like I have a complete family with Daniel in my life. NO stressing about trying to make everyone happy, happiness has come pretty easily for us. The kids have been back and forth between me and there dad's through the holidays so we just try to enjoy them while we have them, and enjoy our time alone when we get it.

Christmas Eve was the usual family get together, present and chaos... I haven't brought a boyfriend to Christmas in 4 years, so naturally everyone was curious. Poor Daniel was cornered by my dad and uncle and interrogated Ha Ha Ha. They had both already had a few drink so the conversation was interesting. I think i was more embarrassed then he was. He handled himself well, as soon as he mention his joining the army my uncle had nothing else to say but good thing. My family has a lot of respect for Daniel.

Christmas day we slept in only because the kids where at their dad's. Then we headed to my mom's after jump starting the dead battery in my car. We were 2 hours late but there was still food:) After dinner, presents and playing games we looked outside to find the it had snowed about 5 inches since we'd been there. It took us about an hour to get home that night...

I was just thinking today of how grateful i am for having Daniel in my life and here is just one example why. A few weeks back I wasn't feeling well and it was my weekend with both the kids. I did my best to keep up with them, after dinner all i could do was lay on the couch. Daniel scooped me up and put me to bed around 7:00 p.m, promising he would take care of the kids the rest of the night. I think they were more excited to hang out with him then with me... They made plans to stay up all night playing games and watching movies.

I feel asleep listening to my kids laughing and playing with him and it made me so happy that they both enjoy him as much as i do. I woke up the next morning to a disaster in my living room and kitchen but i didn't mind. It was only proof of how much fun they had that night. He said that Jayke feel asleep around 11:00 and London wasn't far behind. Daniel carried us all to bed that night. ha ha ha... Thanks honey for being such a sweetheart.


London and I had a rough night tonight. I swear sometimes i feel like I'm walking on egg shells with her. It seems like she's always mad at me for something, the littlest things set her off these days. She stuck between child and teen, trying to balance between these two emotional states of being is hard on both of us. We're both learning to give and take and mostly to forgive. I love you London!!!

It was a quiet weekend with the kids at there dad's, leaving just Daniel and me. It'd felt like a long time since he and i had spent anytime alone, so we were really looking forward to this weekend. We decide to save money on going out on a date so we gathered up all the Christmas decorations i had and set up the Christmas Tree.

It seems silly that such a simple thing like trimming the tree ended up being so romantic. We turned on our playlist that we had made during the first couple months of dating, and that was fun to listen and remember back to what we were doing at that time. We turned down the lights so we could check the Christmas lights. I had rearranged the furniture earlier that day to make it more cozy, i have a pretty large living room for an apartment and i like things spread out in the summer for more space, but in the winter i squeeze all the furniture together and it's amazing how comfy it is. So we talked and laughed and just really enjoyed each other that night as we decorated my place. After the trimming was done we watch a movie in the glow of Christmas lights. We held each other for hours that night on the couch and couldn't have been happier.

4 Miles

Daniel is preparing to go to basic training for the Army and is trying to get in as good of shape as he can before he leaves. He's been doing lost of push-ups, sit-ups, running and marching. So last night London and I decide to go on a walk with him after dinner. I had to bribe London of course with candy to get her to come walk around in the dark. Shes such a home body, she even brought with her my head lamp and a book. HaHa

We bundled everyone up in coats and hats, Daniel with his 25lbs weighted backpack and set off around 7:00 p.m. We started off on a trail that Daniel had discovered earlier that day and walked and walked and walked. London did manage to read for a minute while holding onto my arm to lead her way. What a Goof!!! We warmed up quickly and had a great time, finding a bunch of roads I'd never known where there. I haven't had a lot of time to hang out with London these days so it was nice just to have a chance to chat with her with no other distractions. She such a great kid...

Well Thanksgiving was a little different this year. The kids spent it with their dads. London's dad is a chef and she just thinks that's the greatest thing in the world to cook with her dad so it was pretty natural to let her stay with him to help out with the feast. Jayke and his dad spent it with some friends.

It was a pretty adult Thanksgiving at mom's this year. Daniel got to experience a big family dinner at mom's house. I had a great time with him and my family, very relaxing, and felt grateful to have him there with me. He's in listed in the army so his time with me is growing short. I can't wait to spend Christmas with the kids this year :)

My Time Flys

Well before you know it you turn around and two months have gone by.

Kids are doing well, Jayke is in his second season of flag football. I cant wait for him to get all padded up next year. He'll be super cute! London's growing like a weed. She has really enjoyed the Karate classes she's been taking with her day. Next month she'll be testing for her Green Belt. :)

I have been working with Dr. Petersen as his Dental Assistant for two years now. I also work for a photography co. taking pictures of children in there little league uniforms: soccer, baseball, football, etc.... Last month I traveled to Georgia to meet Daniels family. What an amazing place. I met Daniel 4 Months ago and things are going well. He's adorable!!!

I currently don't have a camera, so sorry no recent pictures of any of us. I'm hoping to get one here real soon.

The kids and I were invited by Doug and Jessie to the the Dinosaur Park up in Ogden this weekend. We received a map when we purchased our tickets and set out into the park with Gayson strapped in his stroller we where ready for the day. London, Jayke and Olivia quickly took off to play in the nearest playground. The dinosaurs were places around the edges of the trail with speakers near by that growled like dinosaurs should. The noise really freaked Grayson out and he was out of his stroller and into Doug's arms. :) "MONSTER'S"

The trail wound around the park showing off various Dinosaur sculptures, the sun was out and warmed us up quickly. The gift shop was a good place to cool off for a minute, so we let the kids wonder around looking at all the toy. I let the kids know that we wouldn't be buying anything in the gift shop, but that they could do the treasure hunt inside the museum.

The Museum had a cool skeleton of a mammoth and a few other dinosaurs, but the treasure hunt was the main objective for the kids, well come to find out the it was $7 a person to hunt for ten minutes. What a ripe off. I had to tell the kids that there was no way i was paying for that, so we returned to the gift shop and they both bought galaxy goo for $3.... I'm cheep when it comes to that stuff.

Grandma and Grandpa had dinner going when we got home and we were all hungry. Thanks! After eating we all headed to the pool, it had cooled down a lot and the water seemed so cold to me. Of course London and Jayke never seem to mind, but it took me a long time to get up the nerve to get in. It felt like we had been going all day and it really wasn't that late. We got home and turned on a movie and we were all out like a light.


Today my friends Nick and Kendra invited me and the kids to go boating with them. We arrived at the lake about 9:30 and the water was perfectly smooth. Kendra was first out on slalom ski, she has been doing this forever and is really good. Nick followed and is just as good, I went, two ski's of course. It's been years and year since I've been water skiing. It was fabulous, I'd forgotten how tired it makes you.

London really wanted to try so she was next to go. Nick had to go out in the water with her to help keep her ski's in front of her.. they were big so she struggled with them. The first time the boat started to pull her and the rope slipped out of her hands, the second time she held on to the rope but her ski's feel off... we forgot to mention one little detail to poor London- that she could let go of the rope when she feel. After dragging her a few yards face in the water, she was done trying. Lol.

Jayke never did warm up to the water, and told me I was mean when I insisted that he get in. London did ride the tub and had a great time, we didn't through her off of course. ;) 5 hours on the lake and we were all exhausted. The kids slept on the way home.
Thanks Nick and Kendra for a great time.........

We spend most every Saturday swimming at Grandma's house. It keeps the kid entertained and mostly because it's free :) After a few hours swimming a nap always sounds so good. So when we got home the kids watched Mr. Beans Holiday ( lame!!! ) while I took a little nap :)-

We walked down to the park because they were anxious to get out of the house again. I was happy to find a Red Box at the Maverick on the corner, so I returned my movies there, instead of having to make a special trip to the store. The clouds had started to move in pretty quickly as we headed to the park. It was a only about 10 min before the rain came. We all walked quickly back home. I had to smile at how cute Jayke and London looked running away from the rain. h

Today was the first day of 6th grade for London. She is attending another year at Bluffdale Elementary and couldn't be more excited. Year round school as taken sometime to get used to, as not everyone attends at the same time. There is no long summer break and we haven't been on any vacations so the "Big Back To School" event isn't quite the same.

I thought about her and Jayke all day, I remember how important is was to have a good first day. Upon entering the house London starts in on how fabulous her day was. First about the kids, homework, and then all i heard for the rest of the night was "Mr Berryessa". She must have repeated back to me, everything her teacher had said that day. Every joke, every story, every little detail. This is her first male teacher and i think she has just a wee crush on the man. :) I can't wait to see how the year plays out.

I phoned Jayke to see how his day went, but he was in the shower. School has always come pretty easily for Jayke. London's had a much harder time, I worry about her probably more than I should. London spoke of how fast she was growing up and I couldn't agree more. I told her to " Relax and enjoy it"....

One busy day

Saturday started started out with swimming again. I took London, Jayke and Olivia to Grandma peggys house to have a swimming party for Jeff's little girl Cienna. We spent a good part of the time waiting for Jeff and his family to arrive. This was a last minute party and time was short due to the fact that Cienna need to be at the airport in just a few hours.

It was a very hot day and swimming was a great idea. The kids jumped right in and i followed Talan around the pool as he rode his little Bob the Builder truck back and fourth. Talan is a cutie pie and i love spending sometime with him. Lunch was being prepared at the house as we swam, as not to waist anytime. Grandpa and I took a few picture of the kids as they swam. We gathered everyone up and returned to the house for lunch.

Cienna was the guest of honor so we eat on princess plates and had princess ice cream cake. Lunch was great, noisy with conversation as it usually is at Grandma's house. More pictures where taken and hugs and kiss where given to Cienna as they rushed her to the airport.

Then it was back home to get cleaned up so we could BBQ dinner at Pats house. Grayson was in the kiddie pool when we got there. He yells " Jayke, Jayke." He runs over and grabs him by the hand and pulls him to the pool. Doug is a master with the BBQ, they always have so much to offer and everything is always done just right. The kids ran around in and out of the pool, and thankfully everyone got along well today.

After the sun had set we gathered in the front yard and watched Doug light fireworks.. Jayke was so excited when he was allowed to help Doug light some of the smaller ones. They looked so cute out there together. Grayson was startled by one of the fireworks loud explosions and wanted to go inside. Jessie held him on her lap and Grayson pressed her hand around his ears. After each firework he said " I want to go inside" he is so dang cute.

We ended the night late, the kids luckily made it to the their beds before falling asleep.


Yesterday I took London, Jayke and olivia to the pool. We've been to the pool so many times this year, but today was different somehow. Today i just sat and relaxed watching the kids play, enjoying the sun, not worrying about anything. Peace found me today.
Later in the evening after we had cleaned up we went to the dollar movies to see Chronicle's of Narnia. half way through London and i notice that Jayke at some point had curled himself up on his set and fell asleep. I managed to wake him up long enough for him to walk to the car, but on our return home he was so peacefully sleeping i didn't have the heart to wake him. Carrying my 8 year old son up three flights of stairs was not easy but it was a perfect mommy moment. :)


This is for my children as a reminder to them and to myself that it's the everyday things that make our lives together so special. I have to many memories that haven't been written down and now are lost. So here's to remembering every freckle on my sons face before they fade away, and to remembering my daughter grow from "Girl to Teen" right before my eyes.

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